Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Here it Starts

 This is my first piece so there are a many I’d like to thank for giving me an inspiration to write it… Amongst a few worth mentioning are Extreme Depression, Invisible unemployment, Narcissism & the fact that I believe I know more than you all so I need to educate as a part of my social responsibility, a will to be famous and many more. Now don’t be taken aback by the bluntness, I am just too good at creating humour; Thats why they say.. “hey you’re so funny”! Could never understand what that meant anyway.

 Well frankly, who cares what inspired me to write my thoughts; whether it was Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or some self-obsessed notion of mine. It won’t stop you from reading nor can it compel you to read. But hey! we are all social creatures, we like seeing what goes around us, we like interacting, participating, adding and in turn evolving. The outcome can be anything, and by all means it isn’t important because somewhere down it is lost, re-invented, corrected and again forgotten. What is important is the activity in all this; thats what keeps us busy, living!

 A fine man once said “we are all 95% alike, but we spend 95% of our time trying to justify the 5% difference in us”! and I wonder if thats what makes our life as it is to us. What's really intriguing is the question WHY ARE WE ALIVE? I feel thats where the buck starts and ends unfortunately. All our life we find reasons for our life, we justify it to ourselves, others. Our entire life we do things which chemically please us, numb our senses, block our logic by prompting anti-logics, giving us reasons to exist. We expand issues in our mind to make them our purpose for life, then we work hard to achieve our purpose, and then comes that pleasure of achievement, the applause & appreciation or in other words a release of chemicals like dopamine in the brain. For some there is risk of losing, actual loss, infamy, fear etc. For some there is happiness, others uncertainty, for some there are gains, for others losses, smiles, sorrows and so on. All because of that inflated bloody purpose that justifies our lives to us and to others. There is also the crab effect, if one has a purpose which one feels is strong enough vis-a-vis the other, there is a pull exerted and psychology magnetized.

 I used to spend a lot of my time looking at ants, believe me, as humans we have much in common! I was unemployed, not to mention! In Fact, ants, termites and humans are three forms of life that have predominantly infested earth. Well I used the word infested because I want to show some equality towards other social creatures, if they have infested, so have we! I was keen to dig deep down the purpose of existence for this creature. A lot many argue that ants clean up earth, they are consumed in certain parts of our world and they do have some scientific significance of their own. But I argue, do the ants know of the reasons they exist for? or are they just busy with building their colonies and having a purpose of their own! So its like, for me ants have a different purpose, for themselves they will have a different purpose and here comes the Relativity Theory! This narrows us down to the fact that for each existence on this plant we have a purpose. I am a human, I can look into the work of an ant, its life. i can analyse it, derive its purpose, but who is above me? Who does that for/on me? Let us assume that the earth as a larger mass is over me! It lets me live, do my work, laugh, cry, but may step on me and kill me if I come in its way. But question remains why does the planet Earth need us/ any of us creatures?

 Our science lessons advised us that with a very unique combination life emerged here on earth and yes we can be called fortunate/unfortunate; suit yourself. We study the Big Bang, the Higgs Boson etc and try to reach the start point, and ever since I saw the Star Wars Jedi Knight I have had a particular interest in the so called “Force” which runs us. Then may the Force be with me!.

 Religion and Science are the only two streams of focus making some headway towards answering the question of our existence. Although I belong to both, but I would still like to focus my attention on religion as this was a community which had answers to everything! Yea, that's how they put it. God Damn you scientists, wasting your time and taxpayers money over the Higgs Boson!

So this is where we start…continuing this journey of words we would try to evolve and thus rediscover the truth of existence. Lets join hands and delimit ourselves from this journey towards the eternal achievement.

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