Wednesday, February 5, 2014

People who don’t like the Admin.. Say AAYYYE!

School was an interesting place always... a home of learning, understanding, growing and evolution of a purpose. Remember “PURPOSE” from my last post?? but how I remember school more was through my numerous infatuations. Gaauud those girls were like fairies! Yea, I wasn’t much focussed on my grades; thats what I kept hearing. It is an inherent part of our society; teachers, parents & whoever has lived more than you, will try to plunge you into the rabbit-hole of purpose they have sorted. It was rather funny as my contemporaries started speaking similar language in form of advices as if like parrots who repeat what has been told to them. There was an ardent effort with different levels of creativity seen everywhere to drive all thoughts in one direction. Levels of acceptance were different per individual and hence grew the anomaly in the system which is inherent in our society as well. Its an interesting thought; suppose we were magnetized, all at once over a common purpose; how would the world be? Of course we would achieve the purpose! and may be sooner than we can imagine. What is more interesting is….what happens after the achievement? Not to debilitate the concept of purpose, but I feel, we’ll be lost again! Wasn’t that the whole point of achievement? once its over, we have to forget and reinvent so we can live on, be busy with something before death takes over. Or let us just say we don’t have a purpose which leads to a complete full stop, which does not have a vicious circle attached to it, where there are no closed ends and where the will of man and mother earth ceases the existence altogether. What in the universe can that be!! Even stars die and take rebirth in form of other stars.

Anyways coming back to those beautiful fairies at school, i’d say that feeling was really something special to me. Where just a glimpse could numb the senses and prompt a 100% attendance. And tell you what, I even won a prize for taking no leave of absence! Maybe I was made that way.. to get hyper attracted to the opposite sex. Whatever it was, I liked it! What I didn’t like was the mathematics which never got me close enough to either one. At the end of each year we used to have a class reshuffle amongst the section. We also used to have group houses where everyone was assigned a particular color for which they needed to perform. Their idea was competitive environment of growth for us, but really thats where they were sowing seeds of corruption, bias, regionalism, discrimination and whatever negativities you see in our society. I would have still loved that idea if I could have got more fairies and less devils in the group I was in, but maths never favoured me. At the end of each year I used to do a lot of calculation while seated in the common hall just before the reshuffle so as to get as close as possible to the fairy of choice, maybe get a seat next to her; but everytime the formula was changed by the admin. Oh, I hated that bugger. As we grew older, I had become more perfect at the calculation, I knew all formulas the admin would apply, I knew where the fairy/fairies of my choice were headed and I was able to secure a place as close as possible only to realize they had been booked by other devils who had taken places close to them before me. Bang.. Bang ...Boom!
There came the thought…. many of us are happy, but not always; and many of us are not happy at all with the way things are going around us. Who does the shuffles? Who puts us at the right place at the right time and at the wrong place at the time we can get screwed. They say we always have an option, but really, do we?? I feel choices are made for us. Let it hit your ego as hard as possible, let it derive a proud, strong anti-reaction out of you, maybe that’ll help.

I went to a certain part of my country where there was a common sentiment against a particular religion. The sentiment was passed on over generations, and actions time and again, were driven more by perception than fact. Sure I felt uncomfortable, but at the same time I wondered why? who taught or rather magnetised them this way? I spoke to a child old enough to express his hatred against the other religion but young enough to be deceived. I asked him why he hated the other guy from another religion? Trust me, he had loads to say as like the parrot who had mugged up those lines taught by its masters. With a big sigh, I told him what nobody had told him before, something that left him aghast! I told him his true parentage was from another religion, the same one he hated. Hell yea!! this was a perjury similar to what my elder brother always used to perform on me as a child. He used to tell me my real parents aren’t my real parents and that I should shut the hell up wherever he is concerned and stand humble to his whims & fancies. Guess what it did work to some extent with this kid. For a moment he didn’t know what to say, all his beliefs which were instilled in him all these years were shattered in an instant. To me it was like a new beginning for him, his walls of confinement had been compromised by a single sentence. It didn’t last long though, he ran to his house and I knew it was time for me to run as well!

The issue of religious equality is important and respect of each others religious beliefs is indispensable. I said in the beginning that science and religion are the only two streams of focus trying to go after the issue of existence, and religion at some point of time was definitely ahead in race; but where it went terrible wrong was the corruption which is instilled in the roots of our nature. We need sentences to break those walls for us forever. We need to derive from each others understandings to get back in the race towards knowing the ultimate purpose. We need to understand that together we can eliminate this shuffle we do with our beliefs and beliefs of our generations. We need to understand that our children may stand deprived, will develop bias and all related evil emotions when we group them under a banner.

I had an interesting dream and it applies to all the preachers. It was scenic..there was one common building where everyone goes to pray. As we enter, we encounter an admin who re-directs everyone to different rooms where prayer happens in different ways. I used to go to room number 1, but due to over congestion, I was redirected to room number 2 this time. In room number 2, I realized there was a different way of praying and it had its own plus and minus but the exercise was interesting. Next time I requested the admin to send me to room number 3 where I learnt something new and it was overwhelming as something as simple as a prayer could be performed in 3 different styles. There was an adjoining room number 4 where there was no single style of praying. There was a line written on the walls which I’d never forget ...“We don’t know if God is fashionable, let not your antics spoil your prayer..Just keep it simple”!

It was a dream worth recounting!

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