Monday, March 27, 2017

Women should not enter Temple during mensuration!

The statement sounds like a parody in a country like India where we worship the feminine as a Goddess. Is it really discrimination that women must not enter the temple during their mensuration? The answers are already there but let us first understand the situation:

As in my previous write-up “An atheist, a fool!”, I would like to reinstate that what foolish men speak should not be taken as a commandment of their religion itself. Firstly, Hinduism is the most carefully documented way of life that is bestowed to its followers. If men say that a woman is impure during her mensuration and that’s why she should not enter a temple; it is only a half understood truth! It is very easy to misinterpret facts when fools are at the helm and teachers are teachers by mistake.

In Hinduism, Goddess Durga is worshipped as the one who eliminates all the impurities in form of demons from the society. Even if other religions don’t worship females, they must appreciate the fact that it is women who are given the power to bring life on earth! This in itself is god like power. Now as science goes, a woman accumulates these energies every month and if pregnancy is not achieved, she has the power to cleanse herself each month by way of mensuration. She does this each month because her god-like powers of procreation require her to be pure and divine always. Our hindu mythology correlates this with the waxing and waning phase of the moon where one fine night we observe Amavasya or no Moon hence the cycle is for a month.

During the mensuration, a woman absorbs energies of her surrounding so as to clean herself and hence attains the status of Goddess Durga with all that energy. Ideally as a goddess she should not worship other demigods and if she will enter the temple, she will have the power to even absorb the energy of the idol making it lifeless. At this time this woman should be worshipped rather than she worshipping others. This was the reason why in ancient India women stayed away from others during this period so as prevent absorption of negative energies; they ate specific types of foods that helped them cleanse themselves and observed many other restrictions and discipline. This practice in itself was divine, however, owing to a fools’ prerogative it became oppression. They started using the word “barred” rather than “to worship”, both men and women.

During worship we need to absorb and accumulate, during menstruation she needs to get rid of or release, so biologically it will interfere with the process itself. Worship is the process of accumulation of positive energies or channelizing our energies towards a positive direction. Our only trouble is people go to temple not to worship but either to beg, or for fashion or for superstition or for ego.

Reservation is Necessary!

Yea you heard it right, it is necessary! Let me tell you that firstly I am not a beneficiary of the same and secondly if you feel the system of reservation is bad then probably you are amongst those thousands who are oblivious beings grazing this planet. Also, if you are a beneficiary of the reservation system and you are exploiting this system because a stupid administrator cannot keep a check on you, then you are the worst thing that can happen to this planet. Take time and read this before making a judgement.

India has been a hub of reservation stir ever since, whether it is minority reservation, the Jat reservation, SC/ST reservation etc. Unfortunately for our country the system is ridiculed by dubious intentions of power hungry perverts. Let us understand what this system is in the first place:

A baby is born in the family; this baby in all probability receives special attention and care of all. At this instance other members should not feel animosity towards the baby for getting more attention since this baby is incapable of surviving on his own. When this baby grows up to be a man or woman and has been educated enough to survive on his own then these special privileges have to be withdrawn.  This is simply the meaning of reservation! Now consider a case where the parents don’t teach this baby the basics of life and keep pampering him/her beyond the necessary, this baby grows up to become a nuisance to the society and exploits the resources in every possible way.

Similarly, reservation to people in govt jobs, schools etc were provided to economically lower placed people so as to uplift them, but when capable people start exploiting these facilities for self-profit, we go wrong. We go further wrong when well -to-do leaders start manipulating masses to keep their power position intact. And the system is finally doomed resulting in chaos and overexploitation of all resources when people who are capable start looking at easy way out for personal gratification.

The problem with the implementation of this beautiful system lies in the corruption and dirty game play of few. The reservation is divided basis cast and creed rather than need and all the more there are no limits or withdrawal points. Once provided, the facilities become a taken for granted right to live for generations of this person.

We must understand that the meaning of reservation is not grant, whether it for a seat in bus or in a college. Moreover, reservations in jobs must be withdrawn if the society is to do good for itself. Reservation in case of scarcity of resources should be limited to the level of colleges. Once a person is capable enough, he or she should compete with others for the position. Reservations should also be limited for his/her future generations.
If we need to establish a prospering society, system implementation is the most important part. Reservation is necessary to check on weaker links in the society and strengthen them. Rationing is important and checks have to be there to ensure that corrupt are not unnecessarily facilitated.

An Atheist, a FOOL!?

I have come across many people who deduce religion as fake and misleading and consider it wiser to stay atheists. It leads me to wonder about the grotesqueries of human nature that prompt people of our race to act in this way, to go against the system that designs their wellbeing. It may be inferred that glued to the innermost atom of our subconscious is the inherent desire to disobey any system and consider one to be above all. “Free will”, thats what you call it! It is the supreme emotional energy that bestows us strength to survive simultaneously causes our destruction, making us a rebel to the discipline that keeps us alive.

Before diving to the depth of this issue and understanding the underlying causes let us consider a practical example. If you walk by a place and observe garbage and foul smell, your opinion can come in 2 different proportions; first: “the place is dirty!”, second: “the place has been ‘made’ dirty!”. Both statements imply the same meaning but underlying the statement there is an absolute difference in the narrative. One can sight the difference between a believer and a non-believer through the approach one adopts. A non-believer considers the situation hopeless and disregards the situation in totality reducing chances of any improvisation thereon, whereas a believer takes the onus on himself. This applies to not just religion but on all systems in existence for the benefit of mankind.

Religion is a path, a way of life and each one should have the right to adopt and practice one’s religion. Mostly it is gifted to us by way of our family. Anyone who has not delved deep into his/her religion does not have the right to comment whether the religion is good or bad. Its’ like the example given above, we will attribute the deeds of humans to their religion itself. If a thief wears a stole of a sadhu and commits a crime, it doesn’t imply that Hinduism is criminal. If a Muslim in the name of Allah does wrong, it doesn’t imply that Islam is bad. A criminal is a criminal no matter where and it is a shame they hide behind their religion. A protagonist follower/believer must open his/her mind and try to focus on religion itself rather than criminals and fraudsters hiding behind a religion. Religion is the path to solace for anyone who is forthright in understanding it.

Let us also agree to the inherent fact that fraudsters will always be there hiding in cloths meant for the saints and identifying them has become an almost impossible task. It is the narrowness of our minds that that has multiplied such individuals over time, and unknowingly we can be one of them. It is the teachings fathers and mothers gave to secure own petty interests that multiply the plague in our society. One has to understand the smallest of the deeds done today no matter how miniscule to the universe it may be, will have an impact on the future. Somewhere these energies will accumulate and multiply like a fission reaction.
We all wish to survive and be competitive at the same time and we have become slaves of our own free will. This is the inherent anomaly in our system which makes machines and robots better than humans at all times. We need to program ourselves in the right direction; hence, we need to follow our religion as it is and not as it is interpreted or translated!